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Shake up your cardio routine.

 Shake up your cardio routine.

Shake up your cardio routine.

Do you go to the gym and do the same cardio routine every time? Do you always do the same boring thing on the same machine without achieving the results that you want? Here are three different cardio plans for beginners, intermediate, and advanced levels that are designed to keep your body guessing the entire time you’re working out. The result will be a stronger, fitter body.

Beginner Plan: This treadmill interval plan will have you walking up a sweat for 30 minutes.

Warm Up

5 minutes: Warm up walking at 3.0 speed and 0 incline.
3 minutes: medium-intensity walking at 3.5 speed and 0 incline
2 minutes: fast walking at 4.0 speed and 0 incline
Now reduce the speed and add some incline.

2 minutes: walking at 3.0 mph and 2 inclines
2 minutes: walking at 3.0 mph and 3 inclines
2 minutes: walking at 3.0 speed and 4 inlin
2 minutes: walking at 3.0 mph and 5 inclines
2 minutes: walking at 3.0 sped and 6 incline
Back to speed for the last 8 minutes

2 minutes: walking at 3.5 speed and 0 incline
2 minutes: walking at 3.8 mph and 0 incline
2 minutes: walking at 4.0 speed and 0 incline
2 minutes: walking at 4.0 speed and 0 incline
2 minutes: cool down at 3.0 speed and 0 incline.

Intermediate Program: This treadmill and jump rope program will tone your arms as well as your legs in under 30 minutes.

Warm Up

3 minutes: Warm up walking at 3.5 speed and 0 incline.
2 minutes: Increase speed to 4.0
5 minutes: Jog at 5.5 speed.
5 minutes: walk at 3.5 mph and 10 inclines
Jump Rope

2 minutes: Jump rope continuously
20 squat jumps (with feet shoulder-width apart, sit backwards into a squat, jump up, land back into a squat, repeat)

Run/Walk Segment and Cool Down

5 minutes: Jog on the treadmill at 5.5 speed and 0 incline.
5 minutes: Walk on the treadmill at 3.5 mph and 10 inclines.
3 minutes: Cool down at a 3.0 speed walk.
Advanced Program: Cardio meets strength training for maximum results in this 45-minute total body workout. You’ll need a treadmill, a jump rope, and a bosu ball.

Warm Up

5 minutes: Warm up at 4.0 speed and 0 incline.
3 minutes: Jog on the treadmill at 6 mph and 0 incline.
2 minutes: Jog on the treadmill at 6 mph and increase the incline to 2
2 minutes: Jog on the treadmill at 6 mph and increase the incline to 3.
2 minutes: Jog on the treadmill at 6 mph and increase the incline to 4.
1 minute: sprint on the treadmill at 7 mph and 0 incline
1 minute: Jog on the treadmill at 6 mph and 0 incline.

The Fun Stuff!

2 minutes: Jump rope
30 squat jumps (with feet shoulder-width apart, sit backwards into a squat, jump up, land back into a squat, repeat)

Bosu Running: Standing on the top of the bosu, run for 30 seconds.

20 burpees with the bosu ball (turn the bosu ball over with the dome part facing down). Start by standing on the bosu on the floor, bringing your hands down to the top of the bosu, jumping your feet backwards into a plank position, then jumping your feet back in and standing back up.

Cardio Segment: 25 minutes

2 minutes: walk on the treadmill at 3.5 mph and 0 incline.
3 minutes: Run on the treadmill at 6.0 speed and 0 incline.
1 minute: Run on the treadmill at 6.1 speed and 0 incline.
1 minute: Run on the treadmill at 6.2 mph and 0 incline.
1 minute: Run on the treadmill at 6.3 speed and 0 incline.
1 minute: Run on the treadmill at 6.4 speed and 0 incline.
1 minute: Run on the treadmill at 6.5 speed and 0 incline.
1 minute: Run on the treadmill at 6.6 mph and 0 incline.
1 minute: Run on the treadmill at 6.7 mph and 0 incline.
1 minute: Run on the treadmill at 6.8 mph and 0 incline.
1 minute: Run on the treadmill at 6.9 mph and 0 incline.
1 minute: Run on the treadmill at 7 mph and 0 incline.
1 minute: Run on the treadmill at 6.0 speed and 5 inclines.
2 minutes: Run on the treadmill at 5.5 mph and 0 incline.

Cool Down

2 minutes: walk on the treadmill at 3.5 mph and 0 incline.
1 minute: Walk on the treadmill at 3.0 mph and 0 incline.

Potpourri Perspectives

Willy is the author of "Potpourri Perspectives," a blog focusing on beauty, health, and holistic well-being. With expertise in nutrition and skincare, he shares practical tips and personal insights to help readers enhance their vitality and embrace their natural beauty. Through engaging writing, Willy creates a welcoming space for self-care and self-discovery.
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